We Need Your Support

To support, consider making a voluntary subscription.

Payment Methods

Direct Bank Transfer - India & Abroad

Account Name : Ritvijam
Current Account Number : 034305004897
Bank Name : ICICI
IFSC : ICIC0000343
Purpose Code : P0806 (Other information services – Subscription to newspapers, periodicals, etc)

UPI - India

gurukulamguru@icici (RITVIJAM)
75years@icici (RITVIJAM)

Online Payment - India *

Cards/ Wallets/ NetBanking

Recurring Payment Options

One-time Payment Options

Online Payment - Abroad

For any queries, or for acknowledgment after payment, please contact us at

ritvijam[DOT]bharat[AT]gmail[DOT]com (Replace [AT] with @ and [DOT] with.)

Disclaimer – As a policy, we have not hidden our content behind any paywalls. On contrary, we urge you to pay ONLY after you are fully satisfied with our content and efforts that go behind researching and producing such content. Our business model depends on your payments to our existing content.

Please also note that we are not seeking donations. We are registered business entity. All voluntary subscriptions made to us or to any of our affiliates/ associates whose payment options we may provide are considered as revenues and subject to taxes as per prevailing laws. We cannot provide any tax exemptions applicable to donations because we are not seeking donations.

All global payment through online payment gateway go to our affiliate that treats the income as per laws of the country under which it operates. It be noted that this is also a business income and not treated as donation.

* All payments made through Razorpay payment gateway are exclusively for Media & Entertainment category.

Our unique business model is a humble attempt to bring alternate unique content for which there is no ready market in industry because of its different nature. Hence we depend on business revenues from your voluntary subscriptions.

FAQs about one-time and recurring payments for voluntary subscriptions:

Q. Will I get tax exemptions or 80G certificate?

A. As detailed above, we are a private entity and not an NGO like Trust, Section 8 company or Society. We pay taxes on income we get from your voluntary subscriptions. In spirit of our ethical values, we have not hidden our content behind any paywall. Instead, with assumption that each customer is the best person to judge the true value of our content, we have made it openly accessible. Whatever accrues from such subscription is treated as revenue and we pay GST as per government norms on that. Hence there is no concept of 80G certificate here. We are a for-profit business entity who work as per regulatory norms applicable to us.

Q. Will I get invoices?

A. We issue GST invoices against all the payments received by us. For persons making payments to us via payment gateways, we get your email ID on record and send you the invoices as soon as possible. But for persons making payment directly in our Bank account via NEFT/ RTGS/ UPI etc, we do not have your email ID, so we are unable to send those invoices on our own. Therefore we request such persons desirous of obtaining a tax invoice to separately intimate us your email ID along with transaction receipt, at ritvijam[DOT]bharat[AT]gmail[DOT]com (Replace [AT] with @ and [DOT] with .) and we shall send the invoices to you.

Do note that when you make payment through payment gateway, they send you a payment receipt as soon as a successful payment is made. Same is recorded at our end as well. This is separate from the GST invoice we detailed earlier.

Q. What is your refunds policy?

A. No. Since we are asking you to pay for only the content already consumed, so there are no refunds or cancellations applicable on one-time and recurring payments.

Q. Would you return my payment if I no longer like or support or agree with you?

A. We’re sorry to hear that. We encourage you to share your differences with us via email at ritvijam[DOT]bharat[AT]gmail[DOT]com (Replace [AT] with @ and [DOT] with .) . However, we will not be able to return your earlier voluntary subscription(s) made by you for and after consuming content already created by us at the time you made those voluntary subscription(s) . We urge you to pay ONLY after you are fully satisfied with our content and efforts that go behind researching and producing such content.

Q. I want to make a voluntary subscription via direct bank transfer/ NEFT/ IMPS. What are your bank account details?

A. Account Name : Ritvijam
Current Account Number : 034305004897
Bank Name : ICICI
IFSC : ICIC0000343
Purpose Code : P0806 (Other information services – Subscription to newspapers, periodicals, etc)

Q. Do you accept cash as a method to receive voluntary subscriptions? Or are there any other methods than the ones mentioned on Ritvijam website?

A. The ways and modes of payments mentioned on this page are the only official ways through which we accept payments. We don’t accept cash and we humbly request to not make any payments whatsoever to anybody or through any other means than listed on our website.

* Terms & Conditions for payment through Razorpay:

1. Voluntary Subscriptions are non-refundable. These are not donations.
2. Please read Disclaimer here https://ritvijam.com/disclaimer/ for more details on this.
3. This voluntary subscription is only for Media & Entertainment category and no other purpose.